Leech Removed from the Nostril

Leech Removed from the Nostril

In hilly areas entering of leeches in human cavities specially nostrils is very common. How does this Occur? When some one use to drink water from a natural water spring with his hands, this is the time when leech enter the nose and can remain their unnoticed for some...
Angioneurotic Edema

Angioneurotic Edema

Angioneurotic Edema is a swelling of the lower layer of the skin/mucous membrane and is a very common presentation in clinical practice specially in children. This is generally an allergic reaction to the agents like Insect bites, Food or Medication. Can be presented...
Massage and Skin Rashes in New Born Babies

Massage and Skin Rashes in New Born Babies

Developing skin rashes is a very common problem in new born babies. Specially Macular(Red coloured flat,not raised from the skin), Papular (Red coloured raised from skin) and Pustular(Blisters filled with puss) rashes are very common. CAUSES : The most common cause is...
Oral Thrush / Oral Candidiasis

Oral Thrush / Oral Candidiasis

Oral thrush — also called oral candidiasis — is a condition in which the fungus Candida albicans accumulates on the lining of your mouth.Oral thrush produces creamy white curd like sore patches or lesions in the oral cavity over the tongue, inner side of the cheeks...