

Exopthalmos is a medical term also known as Proptosis that means bulging of the  eye balls. This may involve one or both eyes. Most common cause is Hyperthyroidism and very rarely because of pressing of the optic nerve. Diagnosing Hyperthyroidism: Usually Thyroid...
Urticaria In Helminthiasis

Urticaria In Helminthiasis

Urticaria (“Chakkte”) is one of the most prevalent disorders in dermatological practice. There are clear pathophysiological and epidemiological hints that helminths and protozoa are rare but treatable causes of acute and chronic urticaria.  parasitic...
Foreign body in ear

Foreign body in ear

A 8 years old boy who was admitted in some Mandi District hospital in ENT department as the boy had an iron material foreign body inside his ear  meatus and it was not possible to remove this by manual procedure. So the ENT surgeon had  advised him to go for surgery...
Acute Paraphimosis

Acute Paraphimosis

Acute Paraphimosis: Proper technique of reducing paraphimosis: In Paraphimosis there is a painful Tyre like swelling developed below glans penis. This swelling develops when there is retraction of penile foreskin and this remains for some time. Manual Reduction:  Make...